Privacy Policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers personal data about you that is collected, stored and shared with others.
This policy applies equally whether you choose to work with Felicity (for therapy or supervision) or with Paul (for coaching or therapy). In what follows the words ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ are used for simplicity and are to be understood as referring to whichever of Felicity or Paul you choose to work with.
Collecting your Data
We will collect your personal details (e.g. name, age/date of birth, any medical conditions relevant to therapy, supervision or coaching) and contact information (e.g. postal address, telephone number, email address) from your initial email, telephone call and our first session.
We also, after each session, make brief hand-written notes.
Storing your Data
Your personal details are kept in paper form.
Your contact information is also kept in paper form and may also be kept electronically on our mobile device (e.g. as records of phone calls and/or text messages) and computer (which might include external cloud storage – e.g. as records of emails).
If you and us agree to work together then both you and us will sign a contract, a copy of which is kept in paper form.
None of your personal information is stored on this website, other than to momentarily collect and send it to one of our email accounts if you use the Contact form.
Your session notes are kept in paper form.
All paper records are kept as hand-written notes which are stored in a locked cabinet. These are identified only with your initials and a reference number. They do not include your name.
We will delete any emails and/or texts between you and us as soon as appropriate, but certainly no later than within one month of the end of our sessions.
Our professional insurance requires us to keep personal details and session notes for seven years. After this we will shred them.
Sharing your Data with Others
We will, from time to time, take session notes to supervision with a more experienced practitioner. This is standard practice for all therapists, supervisors and coaches and is a professional requirement of our registrations with UKCP, BACP and AC. We will only refer to you by your forename, not your full name.
Your personal details and contact information will be shared with our Therapeutic Executor. This is another qualified therapist and they will only use that information to contact you in the event of our death or incapacitation.
If you are at serious risk of harm to yourself, preferably after discussing this with you, we may share your personal details and contact information with an emergency healthcare service (e.g. Mental Health Crisis Team; GP).
The contract explains the (very rare) circumstances in which it might be necessary for us to break confidentiality as a result of something you have told us during a session.